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Cerberus Rat 1.03.5 Beta
  • Файловый менеджер.
  • Менеджер буффера обмена.
  • Менеджер служб.
  • Диспетчер задач.
  • Редактор реестра.
  • Скриншоты рабочего стола.
  • Перехват изображения с веб-камеры.
  • Перехват микрофона.
  • Возможность вывода на экран различных окон.
  • Список устройств.
  • Список установленных программ.
  • Список активных портов.
  • Коммандная строка.
  • Кейлоггер.
  • Открытие указанной веб-страницы.
  • Скачивание и запуск файла.
  • Чат.
  • Выполнение комманд.
  • Пинг.
  • Может, по крайней мере должен, граббить пароли.
  • Расширенную поддержку работы с системами dyn-dns и no-ip.
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DarkComet-RAT 3.0
Что нового:


DarkComet 3.0 List improvement
By DarkCoderSc

- 09/10/2010 : RC4 traffic encryption done , its encrypt all plain text and data flux with a RC4 encryption 256 bit , all your private data are now totally secured and DarkComet is impossible to flood / exploit .
- 09/10/2010 : Dynamic RC4 256 bit Key added when you choose a password on DarkComet , thats mean if you want to be secured at 200% when you choose a password in server it will bind the actual RC4 key with your
password then without the correct client password the data wont be correctly decrypted then nothing will work without your password.
- 09/10/2010 : Now edit server settings are totally encrypted in RC4 256 bit too then its no more possible to reverse and read your personnal settings , again you are totally secured now ;)
- 10/10/2010 : New column added in connection list (SIN) , now you can see the RAM usage/Total RAM and Free RAM.
- 10/10/2010 : New column added in connection list (SIN) , now you can see the country code/country localisation(geo) and the default system langage
- 10/10/2010 : New column added in connection list (SIN) , now you can see the first execution data/time of the server if it just been executed and not installed it display the current date/time.
- 10/10/2010 : Now you can choose if you want to display the default language flag or the geo ip flag :)
- 10/10/2010 : In OS collumn windows installed drive added (its where windows was installed)
- 12/10/2010 : Clipboard manager have been recoded , now you can resize the textbox and listview for a better confort
- 12/10/2010 : Two functions added in Clipboard manager , get the remote clipboard text in your clipboard , and send your clipboard text to the remote clipboard.
- 12/10/2010 : Process Manager got now a real better compatibility on 64 bit OS, now it list all process :)
- 12/10/2010 : Process Manager list the process 3x faster.
- 12/10/2010 : If you use a password for protecting connection it will be display in tray icons with a locker to remind you ! ;)
- 16/10/2010 : New toast style made , now you it display more information and have a better design.
- 16/10/2010 : Clipboard copy problem fixed in password manager , also the whole system is more stable now.
- 30/10/2010 : New edit server design fixed and recoded at 100% , more fast , more stable , more options.
- 30/10/2010 : New profile save/load system with many options possibility's such as Encrypt/Decrypt your custom profile with password
- 30/10/2010 : Ultra verbose system added on edit server.
- 30/10/2010 : Edit server doc started.
- 31/10/2010 : Now you can test if the connection will be successfully established with verbose (it test localhost/lan and WAN)
- 07/11/2010 : Now disable/enabled taskmanager works like a charm for all Windows without beeing administrator.
- 07/11/2010 : Now disable/enabled registry (regedit) works like a charm for all Windows without beeing administrator.
- 07/11/2010 : Disable UAC added to server shield
- 07/11/2010 : DNS Poisoning added in edit server , you can add some dns rules in hosts file very easily and also clean the whole host file before applying your custom changes
- 11/11/2010 : Icon Pack with list added in the new Edit server , you can also drop some new icon in the Icons folder they will apear then in the list
- 12/11/2010 : Binder totally recoded and use now his own ressource section
- 12/11/2010 : Now in file binder you can choose if you want the file(s) to be drop in temp folder and executed or if you want them to be inject to default browser directly from resource without extracting it
- 12/11/2010 : Edit server plugins system done, now you can code your own plugins that will be load at server startup, the system is safe threaded (It wont block the main application).
- 14/11/2010 : New screen capture, more fast, more stable and new settings
- 14/11/2010 : Now screen capture control functions are safe threaded then more fast
- 14/11/2010 : Now you can choose interval capture for screen capture
- 14/11/2010 : Now you can automaticaly save snapshots like for webcam
- 14/11/2010 : Now batch commands works even if UAC enabled
- 14/11/2010 : Now VBS commands works even if UAC enabled
- 14/11/2010 : New function added in control center / fun section : Microsoft reader allow you to make speak the remote computer
- 16/11/2010 : Screen capture speed improved and comsume less CPU and RAM, also now it compare the previous picture with the new one in less than 10Ms :)
- 16/11/2010 : Some part of the design had been refund, more compatible for Linux Wine, Windows 2000 and WinXP Classic theme also the design is more pro
- 20/11/2010 : Trace route tab had made a fusion with trace map , stability improved it doesn't use browser anymore it is only a PNG picture and you can choose the size , zoom of this picture.
- 20/11/2010 : Unremote webserver trace route ip module updated to v2.0
- 20/11/2010 : A small SIN connection thumnail issue fixed
- 20/11/2010 : CPU/RAM monitor GUI as changed it is more clean, and have nice progressbar colours ;) (for Vista and Windows 7 only) on XP and lower it will be normal progress bars.
- 20/11/2010 : Two buttons added in Html scripting, batch scripting and visual basic scripting (Past clipbaord code and copy code to clipboard)
- 20/11/2010 : Msn control tab better design
- 20/11/2010 : Multithread file downloader design is now better and also you can now clear the downloaded items but all current download must been finished first.
- 20/11/2010 : SIN Form design had changed now it is more pro , better for the eyes.
- 20/11/2010 : General Settings panel change , i remove the SIN settings & General settings and make a fusion of the both its more clear.
- 20/11/2010 : Now you can hide/show local files in File Manager
- 20/11/2010 : New function added in system functions (control center) you can now get the remote hosts file and edit it (Require Admin state - UAC)
- 21/11/2010 : Server downloader added in Edit Server menu popup, the downloader is coded in ASM then size = 2ko before editing and few byte more after edit cause of the setting
   The downloader code is open source.
- 21/11/2010 : New function added in File Manager , called Run file > Injected to default browser , it will inject the file to default browser (32bit) and load it (Works on 64bit if the file to run is 32bit
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Xtreme RAT v2.2



- Language corrections
- Keylogger search corrected
- Webcam function changed (more compatibility)
- Command Prompt changed to show unicode and ansi chars
- Filemanager changed on drivers list function to avoid disconnections
- Better Groups list update

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- [Server startup]Now server module install correctly in Windows and System dir (if user got privileges).
- [Edit Server] Server generation is now 50x faster and safe threaded
- [Edit Server] File binder , Plugins disabled for EOF mode (only), it was corrupting the EOF settings, use RES mode to bind/add plugins to server, the rest still working fine with EOF mode.
- [File Manager] No more random errors when browsing files
- [File Manager] Now even if you browse large amount of files, for example system32 it will works fine without any problems
- [File Manager] Now you can put arguments when you run a file (SHOW and HIDDEN)
- [Fun reader] No more error display if it fail
- [Edit Server] Plugins error managed
- [Mistakes, Small bug fixed] Some mistakes fixed also other small bugs


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Xtreme RAT 2.7.1

Список изменений:
- Added USB Spreader.
- Added Mouselogger.
- Added upload files and execute directly.
- Webcam function changed.
- Some language corrections.
- Select webcam and desktop capture functions to start automatically.
- New method to identify your servers.
- Corrected some bugs using preview images in File Manager.
- Upload files to FTP server using File Manager.
- Corrected some bugs using grab passwords function.

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Xtreme RAT 2.8.3

- Close window options after select your language and others settings.
- Sometimes using Filemanager, when you try to upload some files, the folder name appear with '\\'. Now was corrected.
- Corrected a bug, using file manager, when the user select a file with "0 bytes".
- Some options on MSN functions was deleted until update to use new windows live messenger.
- Added a better handle errors when servers are disconnected.
- Changed injection method.
- Corrected a bug when try to close options window (UPnP).
- Changed GUI.
- Corrected high CPU usage that occurs sometimes.
- Corrected some bugs using remote shell function.
- Added a new column on main list: Account Type.

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Xtreme RAT 2.9

- Corrected a bug in file manager using "run with params".
- Corrected error when open keylogger function.
- Added no injection option.
- Added option to select capture audio automatically.
- Added new special folders in file manager.
- Corrected a tray icon bug.
- Added auto update function.
- Added a option to block connections from IP list.
- Corrected flags problem.
- Corrected chrome passwords.
- Corrected a bug using download files in filemanager.
- Added a button in file manager to update drives and network connections list.
- Added in file manager a new thumbnail preview function.
- Added CPU usage column in process manager.
- Added mass search files.
- Added a option to open directory of the selected process in process manager.
- Added a funny option into window manager: Crazy window.
- Added disconnect server option.


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XpertRAT 1.0 Stable Edition



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    Invisible Admin

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Просмотр сообщения### (6.7.2011, 11:03) писал:

Типа "опа"  :mosk: ...




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$iD я смотрю на хакеру уже пробил ссылку. Собственно вот подправленная, на скачку XpertRAT 1.0 Stable Edition:
Ни имени, ни прошлого... и нечего терять

CyberMake.ru   [Only Quality Software]




    Invisible Admin

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Главное - вовремя проверить  :mosk: ...




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XpertRAT 1.1

Изображение Изображение


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DarkComet-RAT v4.2



- Now server module doesnt melt each times
- SOCKS5 Server added  Multithread.
- Camera streaming is now more stable
- Camera capture interval added
- Camera disable streatch enabled/disabled added
- File Manager doesnt crash on transfer anymore
- Sound capture more stable and a bit faster
- New process manager GUI and more user friendly
- Process Dump added to the new process manager
- Screen capture totally recoded, faster in Vista and Seven than before
- Screen capture control more stable
- No more black screen in screen capture on resize (avoid using 16bit colors in some systems) Most performant is 8Bit.
- New password recovery using nirsoft tools (plugins like)
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Xtreme RAT v3.1

- Fixed StartUp problems.
- Fixed some connections problems.
- Injection functions changed (more compatible with crypters).
- Improved create server tool (Compressed = 19 Kb).
- Added send keys to selected window.
- Old servers are not fully compatible. Update your servers.

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DarkComet-RAT v4.2 fwb Final

Public release : 30/10/2011 at 21:52


- Now server module doesn't melt each times
- SOCKS5 Server added - Multithread.
- Camera streaming is now more stable
- Camera capture interval added
- Camera disable streatch enabled/disabled added
- File Manager doesn't crash on transfer anymore
- Sound capture more stable and a bit faster
- New process manager GUI and more user friendly
- Process Dump added to the new process manager
- Screen capture totally recoded, faster in Vista and Seven than before
- Screen capture control more stable
- No more black screen in screen capture on resize (avoid using 16bit colors in some systems) Most performant is 8Bit.
- New password recovery plugin
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Blackshades NET 4.8 [Cracked]

В hosts прописываем: bshades.eu blackshades.ru

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DarkComet-RAT v5

Список изменений:


DarkComet-RAT v5 aka Fynlosky*
By DarkCoderSc

- [GUI]  The main window had change, dirty buttons removed from the bottom and are now display as tabs in the title bar
- [GUI]  Other options such as generate server / downloader / settings etc.. are in the button menu in the title bar then i gain in space for the SIN (static ip notifier)
- [GUI]  The EULA/DISCLAMER had changed, read it carefully it contain also lot of informations in the last paragraphs about how to use darkcomet.
- [FUNC] The download file system had totally change, it still multithreaded that means you can download many files from many computers at the same time, but during the file download the current user file manager can't be used, then the transfer will be faster and of course far more stable.
- [FUNC] No more limitation in data sending, now for example you can kill 320 process at the same time, download 1000 files.
- [FUNC] The upload file system had totally change like for the download (see beyound)
- [GUI]  Toast GUI had change a bit
- [GUI]  File Manager GUI had totally change, it is now more userfriendly pro and less bloated of shit, GUI inspired by TV Software.
- [FUNC] Add usefull shortcuts in the top of both files list in file manager
- [FUNC] Download folder added with recusive option (FAST and STABLE)
- [FUNC] Search manager had been recoded and is now more use friendly, fast, stable and functionnal and the big advantage now it is fully multithreaded (Server and Client) you can cancel a search or cancel the listing after
the reception of the result etc.. it is also fully linked to the file manager to act on the search files easily.
- [GUI]  Some icons changed, i try to uniformise all icons step by step
- [DEL]  Control center logs removed because useless since few versions
- [DEL]  Control center plugins manager removed because useless since many versions @TODO: Make a better one
- [FUNC] Remote shell bug fix for some countries, now it correctly show accents etc..
- [FUNC] Remote shell multithreading been recoded entirely, now it is fully stable
- [FIX] In the users list RAM is now correctly displayed in % used.
- [FUNC] Remote Desktop >> Now the picture compression is directly done by GDI+ API's more fast, stable and consume less memory
- [FIX] Remote Desktop been optimized in threading, speed and stability
- [FIX] Resizing image algorythm been optimized
- [FUNC] Quality bar added in desktop settings
- [FUNC] Remote control for desktop capture been improved
- [FIX] Webcam speed and memory usage is better now multithreading been optimized aswell
- [FUNC] Now you can change the quality of the picture in Webcam capture
- [FIX] A big bug fixed in remoteshell now it doesn't use all the CPU also the GUI change a little bit :)
- [GUI] New webcam capture design more friendly
- [FIX] Password support now FireFox 9
- [FUNC] SIN Users thumbnail multithreading been revisited and is now faster and stabler
- [FIX] SIN Users thumbnail resizing algo revisited and is also better now
- [FUNC] Main connection handler of the Client Socket was revised
- [FUNC] Main connection handler of the Server Socket was revised now user listing is more smooth fast and stable, it can handle more users
- [FUNC] Better garbage collector


* : Fynlosky is the funny name given by Antivirus.
<3 u all !
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StormRat 2.0 public


  • Updates server
  • Change ID
  • Restart Server
  • Uninstall Server
  • Close Server
  • Logoff Computer
  • Restart Computer
  • Shutdown Computer
  • Get Clipboard
  • Set Clipboard
  • Clear Clipboard
  • Remote Desktop
  • Remote Webcam
  • Remote File Manager
  • Remote Process Manager
  • Remote Chat
  • Visit URL
  • Download + Execute
  • Send Message
  • Batch Scripting
  • Html Scripting
  • Vbs Scripting
  • Open CD Drive
  • Close CD Drive
  • Disable Keyboard + Mouse
  • Enable Keyboard + Mouse
  • Turn Off Monitor
  • Turn On Monitor
  • Swap Mouse Buttons
  • Show Taskbar
  • Hide Taskbar
  • Disable Command Prompt
  • Enable Command Prompt
  • Disable Registry
  • Enable Registry
  • Disable System Restore
  • Enable System Restore
  • Disable Task Manager
  • Enable Task Manager
  • Text To Speech
  • Add To Startup via Registry
  • Melt Server On Execution
  • Registry Persistence
  • Show MessageBox On Start
  • Custom Assembly Information
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DarkComet-RAT v5.1

Список изменений:
- [GUI ] Control center GUI change a little bit
- [FUNC] New functions added in control center >> Network category, called WIFI Access points, now you can see near wifi networks and hardware wifi card(s)
- [GUI ] Now in layout settings you can change the main windows GUI if you don't like the default one.
- [FIX ] Fix the ftp upload keylogger problem
- [SYS ] Edit server settings system was revised and optimized
- [FIX ] DNS/IP backups issue fixed
- [SYS ] DNS/IP backups algorythm revised and more reliable
- [SYS ] Big problem fixed in client / server system
- [SYS ] Loader environement is more lite, unused function / variables been track and clean also few important functions been optimized
- [SYS ] Sound capture multithreading revised
- [SYS ] Server listenner multithreading revised
- [GUI ] Edit Server GUI changed, it is now more user friendly, also some help is now available for basic functions
- [FIX ] Custom icon loader fixed
- [FUNC] Quick Download / Upload added, it will upload / download single file very simply / fast and 100% multithreaded (can load infinite instance for each users)
- [FUNC] Add new Server Function, Upload file and execute
- [FUNC] HTML Scripting upload / execute improved and using the new upload system
- [FUNC] Batch Scripting upload / execute improved and using the new upload system
- [FUNC] VBS Scripting upload / execute improved and using the new upload system
- [FUNC] Update server improved and using the new upload system
- [GUI ] Sound capture design change a little bit
- [GUI ] Toast interface been improved
- [FUNC] Add two quick actions in Toast, open control center and kill user process
- [FUNC] Plugin upload remade using the new upload system
- [GUI ] Password interface been improved
- [FUNC] Export password list function added
- [FUNC] New function added in Computer Information tab, it will dump a lot of information about the remote computer (cant take up to 3min)
- [FUNC][HOT] Now you can edit the remote server using generated patch from edit server (change the settings in edit server then in finalization generate a new patch then upload to the user and it will take effect at the next process startup)
- [FUNC] Add a notification when you wan't to uninstall the server from the SIN
- [FIX ] Bug fixed on SIN when there is no user and you click on some shortcut
- [FUNC] Minimal edit server added, very simple, fast to use and good for newbies or people that doesn't need tons of choices but just the most important
- [FUNC] New IA system, detect if an old instance of DarkComet running at the same installation path, if yes it will regenerate a new path then avoid kind of installation errors
- [FUNC] Update from file added in SIN popup (users)
- [FIX ][HOT] A very huge bug was fixed in the connection thread, this was affecting random users and explain why they can't get connections.
- [FIX ] Password grabber support now FireFox 9 , 10 and 11 (the latest version)
- [GUI ] Windows 7 only, a green icon appear in taskbar icon when there is a least one port that listen successfully
- [GUI ] Now you can disable the default main window layout with a normal one
- [FIX ] Keepalive thread bug fixed
- [FUNC] DarkComet Logs is stored in a different dir now
- [FIX ] An issue in webcam capture, you need to wait that all threads are correctly shutdown before doing another capture
- [GUI ] The webcam capture user interface changed :)
- [FUNC] Remote chat plugin added
- [FIX ] If my server isn't able to be join, then the SOCKET ERROR will be mute and it will simply not update the noip.
- [FIX ] Uninstall bug fixed if using remote cmd befores
- [FIX ] When you cancel a transfer, the file handler is release
- [FIX ] Remote messagebox function is now async, it will not block other tasks until the remote user click
- [FIX ] Buz function is now async, same as messagebox
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DarkComet-RAT v5.2

Список изменений:
- [FIX ] Access violation bug fixed when having to much users
- [FUNC] Better auto [i]r[/i]efresh SIN done
- [FIX ] UPX compress bug fixed
- [FIX ] The connection is more stable, even if the password is wrong it will not freeze the whole thread
- [FUNC] Now keeping the old darkcomet version modules in the user list in red
- [FUNC] Broadcast function are now more fluides, not freezing the main GUI during the process
- [FUNC] Show thumbnails function work more smoothy, don't freezing the main GUI during the process
- [FIX ] A tiny bug fixed in password recovery
- [FUNC] DarkComet RAT support multi instance if you really wan't it
- [FUNC] Now the remote chat stay on the top of each windows
- [FIX ] The keylogger support now extra symboles such as ~#{[|`\^@]}
- [FIX ] Keylogger controler GUI treeview resizing bug fixed
- [FIX ] If we are after midnight the keylogger will successfully update the target logger file then it avoid problems if the remote user never restart his compute
- [FUNC] Add in broadcast function (users list > popup > broadcast function) Upload and execute quick function
- [FUNC] Persistent process added
- [FIX ] Better melt 
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