G-Bot 2.2
Реверсер: Apocalypse
Заказчик: Stanislav
Features :
1. 41kb Size (Uncompressed)
2. Bypass windows Firewall
3. Multi-Threading
4. Dynamic MultiThreading
5. 3 Domain names (If first one gets blocked then bot connects to second one and so)
6. Generation of Random packets by Bots
7. User of botnet has ability to generate own Random Post Request.
8. Ability to visit Random Pages and Threads for example on Vbulletin forums :
http://forum.ru/foru...=<<<INT(1;50000)INT>>>#post<<<INT( 1;50000)INT>>>
9. Bypass Anti-DDos systems
10. Download/Execute File
11. Stealth mechanism in bot
Bot has Stable and Strong DDos attacks like :
HTTP (Post/Get with random user-agents and referrers)
Slow-Post HTTP Flood
SYN Flood
UDP Flood
ICMP Flood
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