я просто решил заняться админством линукса и хотел почитать про актуальные на сегодняшний день релизы а не 5-ти летней давности. вооот...
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Поиск книг
, 03 Dec 2006 04:16
Отправлено 29 December 2007 - 10:54

хм может я не прав,но революционно пока еще ничего не изменилось.Поймешь основы - разберешься в том ПО которое тебе надо настроить. А основы - какая разница откуда брать )
--[ ZaeB.uS, ]]>http://zaeb.us]]> ]---
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Отправлено 28 April 2009 - 09:46

kh93b (29.10.2008, 8:51) писал:
Был бы очень благодарен тому человеку, кто указал бы ссылочку на скачивание книженции:
Секреты Google. Трюки и тонкая настройка (Дорнфест).
Секреты Google. Трюки и тонкая настройка (Дорнфест).
Если с английским лады, то вот книги. Тут примерно то что тебе нужно
Google hacks-Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest

Google Hacks is a collection of industrial-strength, real-world, tested solutions to practical problems. This concise book offers a variety of interesting ways for power users to mine the enormous amount of information that Google has access to, and helps you have fun while doing it. You'll learn clever and powerful methods for using the advanced search interface and the new Google API, including how to build and modify scripts that can become custom business applications based on Google. Google Hacks contains 100 tips, tricks and scripts that you can use to become instantly more effective in your research. Each hack can be read in just a few minutes, but can save hours of searching for the right answers.
Yahoo hacks-Paul Bausch

Yahoo! took the world by storm in the 1990s as a one-of-a-kind, searchable list of interesting web sites. But ten years later, it has expanded into a department store overflowing with useful and innovative tools and services-from email, blogging, social networking, and instant messaging, to news, financial markets, shopping, movie and TV listings, and much more. Today's Yahoo! keeps you connected with every aspect of your life and every corner of the Web.
Yahoo! Hacks shows you how to use, expand, personalize, and tweak Yahoo! in ways you never dreamed possible. You'll learn how to:
Fine-tune search queries with keyword shortcuts and advanced syntax
Manage and customize Yahoo! Mail, using it as your universal email client to access all your other accounts
Explore your social networks with Yahoo! 360, blogging your life, keeping up with friends, and making new contacts
Store, sort, blog, feed, track, and otherwise share photos with Flickr and RSS
Make My Yahoo! your Yahoo!, and personalize Yahoo!'s many properties
Roll your own Yahoo! applications with Yahoo! new Web Services API and Perl, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, or the programming language of your choice
Visualize search results and topics, mash up images from around the Web, and remix other web content
List (or hide) your site with Yahoo!, and integrate Yahoo! Groups, Messenger, contextual search (Y!Q), or other Yahoo! features
Whether you want to become a power searcher, news monger, super shopper, or innovative web developer, Yahoo! Hacks provides the tools to take you further than you ever thought possible.
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Volume 2

A self-respecting Google hacker spends hours trolling the Internet for juicy stuff. Firing off search after search, they thrive on the thrill of finding clean, mean, streamlined queries and get a real rush from sharing those queries and trading screenshots of their findings. I know because I?ve seen it with my own eyes. As the founder of the Google Hacking Database (GHDB) and the Search engine hacking forums at ]]>http://johnny.ihackstuff.com]]>, I am constantly amazed at what the Google hacking community comes up with. It turns out the rumors are true-creative Google searches can reveal medical, financial, proprietary and even classified information. Despite government edicts, regulation and protection acts like HIPPA and the constant barking of security watchdogs, this problem still persists. Stuff still makes it out onto the web, and Google hackers snatch it right up. Protect yourself from Google hackers with this new volume of information.
-Johnny Long
. Learn Google Searching Basics
Explore Google?s Web-based Interface, build Google queries, and work with Google URLs.
. Use Advanced Operators to Perform Advanced Queries
Combine advanced operators and learn about colliding operators and bad search-fu.
. Learn the Ways of the Google Hacker
See how to use caches for anonymity and review directory listings and traversal techniques.
. Review Document Grinding and Database Digging
See the ways to use Google to locate documents and then search within the documents to locate information.
. Understand Google?s Part in an Information Collection Framework
Learn the principles of automating searches and the applications of data mining.
. Locate Exploits and Finding Targets
Locate exploit code and then vulnerable targets.
. See Ten Simple Security Searches
Learn a few searches that give good results just about every time and are good for a security assessment.
. Track Down Web Servers
Locate and profile web servers, login portals, network hardware and utilities.
. See How Bad Guys Troll for Data
Find ways to search for usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other juicy information.
. Hack Google Services
Learn more about the AJAX Search API, Calendar, Blogger, Blog Search, and more.
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Volume 1

Book Description
Google, the most popular search engine worldwide, provides web surfers with an easy-to-use guide to the Internet, with web and image searches, language translation, and a range of features that make web navigation simple enough for even the novice user. What many users dont realize is that the deceptively simple components that make Google so easy to use are the same features that generously unlock security flaws for the malicious hacker. Vulnerabilities in website security can be discovered through Google hacking, techniques applied to the search engine by computer criminals, identity thieves, and even terrorists to uncover secure information. This book beats Google hackers to the punch, equipping web administrators with penetration testing applications to ensure their site is invulnerable to a hackers search.
Penetration Testing with Google Hacks explores the explosive growth of a technique known as "Google Hacking." When the modern security landscape includes such heady topics as "blind SQL injection" and "integer overflows," it's refreshing to see such a deceptively simple tool bent to achieve such amazing results; this is hacking in the purest sense of the word. Readers will learn how to torque Google to detect SQL injection points and login portals, execute port scans and CGI scans, fingerprint web servers, locate incredible information caches such as firewall and IDS logs, password databases, SQL dumps and much more - all without sending a single packet to the target! Borrowing the techniques pioneered by malicious "Google hackers," this talk aims to show security practitioners how to properly protect clients from this often overlooked and dangerous form of information leakage.
*First book about Google targeting IT professionals and security leaks through web browsing.
*Author Johnny Long, the authority on Google hacking, will be speaking about "Google Hacking" at the Black
Hat 2004 Briefing. His presentation on penetrating security flaws with Google is expected to create a lot of buzz and exposure for the topic.
*Johnny Long's Web site hosts the largest repository of Google security exposures and is the most popular destination for security professionals who want to learn about the dark side of Google.
# 528 pages
# Publisher: Syngress; 1 edition (February 6, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1931836361
# ISBN-13: 978-1931836364
Hacking Google Maps And Google Earth

Product Description
* Get ready for some down-and-dirty hackin'! Over 200 serious hacks readers can use to force Windows XP to do it their way, written in the ExtremeTech no-holds-barred style
* Sinchak doesn't waste time tweaking Movie Maker or Instant Messenger-these hacks are heavy-duty, detailed instructions for squeezing every drop of power from Windows XP and maximizing speed, appearance, and security
* Not for the faint of heart! This book is written for users who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves, risk voiding their warranties, take total control of the task bar, uninstall programs that are supposedly permanent, and beef up boot speed
* Mines gems like unlocking hidden settings, customizing boot screens, supercharging online and program launch speed, maximizing the file system and RAM, and dumping hated features for good
* Written by the creator of TweakXP.com, a site considered Mecca for Windows hackers and trusted by more than ten million Windows XP users worldwide
* Includes a hacker's dream CD-ROM with a set of ready-to-install hacks, theme creation tools, custom boot screens, "undo" files that help the reader tinker with Windows XP's registry, and a whole lot more
Dangerous Google Searching For Secrets

This book will help you learn:
How to use Google to find sources of personal information and other confidential data,
How to find information about vulnerable systems and Web services
How to locate publicly available network devices using Google
Отправлено 20 February 2012 - 09:15

cisco "основы компьютерных сетей" том первый и второй
Про FreeBSD 8.2 (в буке немного не актуально, и для начинающих не понятно)
С++ для начинающих

Про OpenVPN (для начинающих)
Отправлено 21 February 2012 - 01:26

ВотЪ: http://prologic.su/t...__fromsearch__1 ... Депозитовская ссылка точно рабочая
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